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Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Judd, E., Martin, G., Kalver, A., Taveras, L., Rette, D., Lekas, H., Escobar, M., Coyle-Eastwick, S., King, C., & Masia Warner, C. (in press). Increasing engagement of college students at risk for suicide in online intervention: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Technology in Human Services


Hamilton, J.L., Torous, J., Szlyk, H., Biernesser, C., Kruzan, K., Jensen, M., Reyes-Portillo, J., Primack, B., Zelazny, J., Weigle, P. Leveraging digital media to promote youth mental health: Flipping the script on social media-related risk (2024). Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 11, 67-75.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Rette, D.N., Weeks, C., Singh, T., Mahmud, F., Tineo, P., Kline, E.A., Bixter, M. & Masia, C.W. (2022). Online mental health treatment use among college students at-risk for suicide. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 40(4), 339-356.


Portillo, N., Grapin, S.L., Bixter, M., Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Masia, C. W. (2022). Online discrimination and mental health outcomes: The moderating roles of ethnic identity and immigrant generation among Latinx young adults. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 10(4), 322.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Masia, C.W., Kline, E.A., Bixter, M.T., Chu, B., Miranda, R., Nadeem, E, Nickerson, A, Ortin, A.P., Reigada,L., Rizvi, S., Roy, A., Shatkin, J., Kalver, E., Rette, D., Denton, E., & Jeglic, E.L. (2022). The psychological, academic, and economic impact of COVID-19 on college students in the epicenter of the pandemic. Emerging Adulthood, 10(2), 473-490.


Fuentes, M.A., Reyes-Portillo, J.A, Tineo, P*., Gonzalez, K.*, & Butt, M.*  (2021). Skin color matters in the Latinx community:A call for action in research, training and practice.Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 43(1-2), 32-58.


Singh, T., & Reyes-Portillo, J.A. (2020). Using Technology to Train Clinicians in Evidence-Based Treatment: A Systematic Review. Psychiatric Services, 71(4), 364-377.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., McGlinchey, E.L., Toso-Salman, J., Chin, E.M., Fisher, P.W., & Mufson, L. (2019).
Clinician experience and attitudes toward safety planning with adolescents at-risk for suicide. Archives of Suicide Research, 23(19), 222-233.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Lake, A.M., Klienman, M., & Gould, M.S. (2019). The association between descriptive norms, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts among adolescents. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(2), 535-546.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Chin, E.M., Toso-Salman, J., Turner, J.B., Vawdrey, D., & Mufson, L. (2018). Using electronic health record alerts to increase safety planning with youth at risk for suicide. Child & Youth Care Forum, 47(3), 391-402.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., McGlinchey, E.L., Yanes-Lukin, P.K., Turner, J.B., & Mufson, L. (2017). Mediators of interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents on outcomes in Latinos: The role of peer and family interpersonal functioning. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 5 (4), 248-260.


McGlinchey, E.L., Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Turner, J.B., & Mufson, L. (2017). The relationship between sleep disturbances, depression and interpersonal functioning in treatment for adolescent depression. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 22(2), 96-99.


Reyes-Portillo, J.A., Mufson, L., Greenhill, L., Gould, M.S., Fisher, P.W., Tarlow, N., & Rynn, M.A. (2014). Web-based interventions for youth internalizing problems: A systematic review. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 1254-1270.


Director:         Jazmin Reyes-Portillo, Ph.D.




Lab Location: Dickson Hall – Room 346/332

                        1 Normal Avenue

                         Montclair, NJ 07043



Phone:            973-655-7945



Office:      Montclair State University

                  1 Normal Avenue, Dickson Hall – Room 256

                  Montclair, NJ 07043







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